On Sunday, May 12, 2019, Fr. Mark Reilly, Pastor, began a series of three talks to present more on the vision for our parish community.
The following are the transcripts of those talks.
Sue Bellor
Born in Massena to the late Frank and Millie Spadafore, Sue Bellor was blessed to have received the Sacraments at Sacred Heart Church: Baptism, Penance, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation and Holy Matrimony with Ken Bellor. Sue has served as usher, Eucharistic minister, and continues to serve as lector. (Ken and Sue’s daughters Jennifer and Kate were altar servers elementary through high school.) “I feel called to serve on the Parish Council for the mission of discipleship along with strategic planning for the future of our parish.”
Darin Chartrand
A member of our parish since moving to Massena in 1999. He and his wife, Michele, have 4 children: Shane (serving in New Mexico with in the U.S. Air Force), Anne (just graduated HS, entering SUNY Potsdam this fall), Jacob (starting his second year at Trinity Catholic School), and Ruth (2 months old, “currently working on cutting 3 teeth all at once!”). Recently retired from the New York State Police in May as a Zone Sergeant, now working part-time as a custodian for Trinity Catholic. An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and recently began serving as a greeter as well. Co-taught (with Michele) 3rd grade Faith Formation classes at St. Mary’s for some years before our transformation into St. Peter’s Parish. Completed Formation for Ministry program, commissioned in 2015. “I am excited to humbly ask your consideration to serve you and our parish as a member of the parish council.”
Elaine Dunne
Grew up in Montreal, Quebec. Lived with her daughters in Massena for the past 20 years. Served as Massena Central HS Librarian for 3 years, then Children’s Librarian for 12 years at Massena Public Library, and for the past 6 years has been its Director. Her daughters attended Trinity Catholic School. In the past, volunteered for the Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Currently serves as a Host and Greeter at weekend Mass. A member of the St. Vincent DePaul Society, and assists with monthly food distribution, and the Christmas distribution program. “I have been a participant, and now serve on the leadership team of ALPHA … I am excited to be a part of, and witness, the growth of our new St. Peter’s Parish through Jesus Christ’s message of tolerance, acceptance, and love. I would be honored to serve on our Parish Council, and I look forward to serving our faith community.”
John Koszan
A lifetime parish member in Massena. Retired teacher after 33 years (combination of time at Sacred Heart School, Madison Elementary, Mater Dei College [St. Regis Campus], and Univ. of Ottawa [Cornwall Campus]). Serves as lector, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and participated in Alpha in Fall 2018. A widower, father of 8 children, grandfather of 11, great-grandfather of 7 (with #8 on the way). “Serving on the parish council would be an honor and privilege, and I’m looking forward to implementing the concepts found in the book, Divine Renovation, to make our parish reflect the Body of Christ.”
Tom Lavigne
“I was raised in a Catholic home in Norfolk and was a member of the Church of the Visitation until I moved to Massena 11 years ago. I have completed the Formation for Ministry Program in 2015, and as I approach retirement, I would like to become more involved in the work of St. Peters Parish. I have been reading the book that Father Mark recommended - Divine Renovation - and am intrigued by what changes the author has successfully implemented to move his parish “from Maintenance to Mission.” I would like to be a part of that growth in St. Peter’s Parish.” Tom serves regularly as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Andrew Szarka
Grew up in Massena, as a St. Mary’s parishioner (and altar boy). Left home to serve in the USMC from 1958-62, and later, after completing his advanced degree work at Ohio State, went on to teach History at the University of Texas at Tyler. Since retiring from UT Tyler, and eventually re-settling in Massena in 2014, is a Visiting Professor of History at Clarkson University, and is active in parish life in Massena. Serves as lector, and also in various roles in hospitality ministry. “I yearn for a sense of community in the parish, and the new Hospitality Ministry—along with Alpha Course-- may be the beginning of a foundation for such.”