Hello there! Maybe it's been a while since you've thought about going to church, if ever. Maybe you were a regular church goer before the pandemmic . . . or maybe not much either way. One thing is for sure, it's been so very diferent this year. I want you to know that you're MOST welcome here at our churches that make up St. Peter's in Massena and Louisville. We have been working very hard to offer a safe environment in St. Peter's Parish so that people can join us in worship and friendship. We are abiding by the NY State Department of Health guidelines and directives for the reopening of Churches in our state, and also for social functions. This can be a bit daunting at times, and it provides some extra challenges when we try to see and acknowledge one another - but we're working at it! We look forward to seeing you, and I pray that you and yours are safe and healthy.