9:30 Mass at Sacred Heart
11:00 Mass at St. Mary's
Each Sunday, before the Scripture readings begin, children ages 4-12 are called forward, and sent with a blessing to a separate room for a Gospel lesson. They will hear the same Scriptures that are proclaimed at Mass, but explained on a level that younger children can understand. The children will return to their family in church after the Creed, as the Offertory and Liturgy of the Eucharist begins.
If you enjoy deepening your knowledge of the faith, and love working with children, God may be calling you to pass on Catholic teachings to children and help grow strong Christian families!
Contact John Schneider for information. Catechist Certification is available to those interested as well.
Catechesis is a lifelong process of initial conversion, formation, education, and continual conversion. The family, by definition, has an essential role in preparing young people for their journey with Christ. Parents are entrusted by Christ and His church with the task of teaching children how to live the Christian life.*
WHY GO TO MASS? As Catholics, we believe that personal prayer is not complete unless our prayers are joined with the community of faith, who is the living Body of Christ. The Sunday liturgy is the greatest form of prayer because together we receive the gift of the Holy Eucharist — the very real presence of the Risen Christ. Mass is a celebration of thanksgiving! Attending weekly (daily!) Mass is an essential part of a healthy prayer life.
* Family Catechesis for the Seven Sacraments, Diocese of Ogdensburg (paraphrased)
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But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” - Matthew 19:14, NABRE
Sunday Children's Liturgy of the Word:Sacred Heart 9:30
St. Mary's 11:00 am
While Greater Massena Catholic Community understands and promotes the role of families in teaching the faith to their children, we also strive to supplement that education in a variety of ways, furthering children's understanding of Christ's teachings.
As part of our Sunday Liturgy at Sacred Heart (9:30 AM) and St. Mary's (11:00), Children's Liturgy of the Word is offered. Young Mass attendees ages 4-12 are invited to participate in the Children's Liturgy of the Word, which takes place during the scriptural readings and homily. In this special portion of the Mass, the scriptures are explained to our young parishioners and visitors in ways they can understand. The Children's Liturgy of the Word often includes crafts, coloring activities and/or song.