Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
- Matthew 5:4
Eternal life, immortality of the soul and the resurrection of the body are central beliefs of Catholic Christians. Because of that we profess hope in the face of death, and seek to act with charity in the planning and celebration of the funeral and burial Rites.
The St. Peter's Parish Comfort in Sorrow ministry works with families in their time of grief to provide consolation and assistance in planning the funeral rites.
It can all be so overwhelming. That's why our priests and trained volunteers help walk grieving families through the funeral preparation process – start to finish. Ministry volunteers help families choose readings from Sacred Scripture and music that is best suited to their situation. We can help determine how loved ones of the deceased might take active roles in the funeral rites, and/or arrange to provide experienced parish volunteers to assist as lectors, musicians, altar servers, pall bearers, etc. …
They make arrangements to meet with family members either in their home or at the rectory after the family has met with the funeral directors.BEREAVEMENT GROUP
Our Parish Bereavement Group meets twice a month. We meet on the second Tuesday at 6:30pm at our Parish Office and on the last Tuesday of most months at St. Mary's Social Hall in the upstairs meeting room at 2 p.m. The support groups welcomes individuals who are grieving to participate at whatever level their needs require and comfort levels allow. Some attendees participate for one or two months, while others participate for years.
If you have a question about Comfort in Sorrow or Bereavement Group, contact us.